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South beach diet did not work - south beach fare did not work

31-01-2017 à 17:09:51
South beach diet did not work
The agile team was managed using the empirical tools of SCRUM and things like installation, roll out, change management, etc. The automation system should be flexible enough to make space for scalability and adaptability. The South Beach Diet was developed by Dr. The South Beach Diet works in three phases. Tagged Agile, Methodology, Project, SAP, Software, Success, XP. The team had a wide variety of skills and capabilities. These were often related to something in the backlog in which case we could give the customer the chance to swap for something else in the backlog at no cost. Basically, as you build requirements, you could in parallel get your company code config, HR Org Structures and other fundamentals in place. When initiating a new project, we worked with the customers and analysts to prioritize the SOW putting high technical risk and high customer value at the top of the list. My favourite part was the idea of putting attributes against each requirement. I have run SCRUM with team members separated in three locations, up to nine hours TZ difference. i. Agile for me is not a mere development methodology, its an enterprise strategy. In this way, I believe RUP may suit you better for global build or Implementations than SCRUM. Also there are very strong visualization tools that can give the users a taste of the solution very early in the process. Share this: Twitter Email Facebook Google LinkedIn Reddit Print Pocket Pinterest Tumblr Like this: Like Loading. Like other fad diets, the South Beach Diet involves cutting down radically on a particular food group. We have something called Ascendant, which we use for SAP gigs for example. Ok, so after I read your experience, I am all the more convinced that this is not very easy to pull off in a consulting gig. I think my remote experience worked because I had a critical mass in one location and the other two locations only had one person each. However, weight loss during this period is likely to be rapid - up to thirteen pounds. You might have to wait a few days for the first car to come of a production line. Just wanted to say that this is one well written article. But again: agile, scrum nor smart are silver bullet. The agile manifesto does not say it very well, but this concept is in there somewhere. The South Beach Diet is far more balanced than, say, the Atkins Diet. The hype is too big about producing value after each sprint, so outside observers assume that applies to the first ones equally to the last ones. Just that I could never get it to work, and I did not have unlimited time to play with it. Such a team can probably come out with a great solution using Agile. The adaptation was done using a holistic lean management approach that looked at the entire delivery problem (value stream), rather than just adding a SCRUM master and changing the way the software was built. I start with a waterfall plan with defined milestones, and I plan a few iterations in design and testing phase to use the RUP like practices. After we finished building some of the most important features the contract changes started to come in. One thing I was not able to change in the organization was our contracting. We succeeded in our first project, delivered on time and within budget. I forgot the last time I had all the IT and Business guys and gals working in the same location. Being agile is being change friendly, where the cost of change and the cost of competence advantage are key in decision making. There are only so many super stars in this world. I have been successful using agile (specifically SCRUM) in my old organization and I am a lean management champion at SAP (in addition to my day job in IT). One point which I think this post shouts out is that I as a practitioner do not see value stepping out of my comfort zone as the credibility or exact area of the application of this concept is not an established practice yet. In the end we had a win-win story to tell, but it was only possible by adapting our organization, development tools, and product architecture to match the method. I would not want to meet with a guy everyday to discuss how he hammers nails. SOA is great for several use cases, and terrible for others. Agile ultimately boils down to an issue of trust. You will only find isolated success at best if you simply drop agile into an existing structure without adapting that structure. Furthermore, using an agile methodology with a software architecture and development tools that were not designed for agile will simply add to the issues. Lets keep this point of ADAPTABILITY in our mind for a while and go back to the culprit, AGILE. I was able to determine which changes were necessary by looking at the organization from a lean management perspective. He presented some nice numbers on the rate of agile project success for co-located (83%) verse near (72%) and far (60%) located teams. A few product companies have tried out Agile successfully. That should be discussed and if the cost goes up I need to know about it. I have read and tried several different things over the years in a variety of projects. South beach diet must have worked for others, and I am sure Agile would too. With SCRUM we had the option of beginning the test of host connections as early as we wanted in the process. We started in February and we had a very strict deadline to deliver in September. I think all of this implies a fairly stable operational team model, not a project by project body assignment. If you see the mega structures build around the world (I love mega structures program on Discovery where they showcased the evolving blue print of Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world by closely engaging stake holders and technology experts and doing things right. To start: agile is no silver bullet to all your project risks and problems. In practice, the output of our SCRUM development was both feeding a standard product portfolio and delivering customized versions of that portfolio to customer projects. As a matter of fact, the height of this tower was not certain until the construction came to a close), you will find that CHANGE is a major factor that drives completions of such projects. Also, once you have a good change control process established, changing requirements can be handled very effectively. This is not to say Agile does not work for others. In my opinion, Agile is going through a hype cycle exactly like how it happened with SOA. The South Beach Diet is far more balanced than, say, the Atkins Diet. Great discussion, with well known peers from the SDN community, on applying agile to the SAP world. That being said, let me explain why it does not work for me. There was also the inevitable negotiation for each change one as ambiguity was often the cause. It is unfortunate when some can turn into rabid defenders of a methodology without the foundation of balance or without understanding when to use the appropriate tool to arrive at an optimal solution. RUP is definitely waterfall flavoured, but the difference being that you complete and end to end waterfall each iteration, with varying degrees of requirements vs build as you move along. Glad to see a candid, and to some degree, courageous emptying of pockets here. These were always considered risky requirements and made it to the top of the backlog. Here, dieters are prohibited from consuming a variety of foods, including dairy products, breads, cereals, pastries, potatoes, pasta, starchy foods, some vegetables, all fruit, and more. Both business and IT are very enthusiastic on the results. My personal agile experience in a waterfall oriented company started 1,5 years ago. I had read it a week back and then may be thrice later. I was only able to deliver value quickly with SCRUM after I had made the changes necessary to support it (org, tools, and architecture). You just need to know what you are doing so that you are able to recognize when somebody is b. One thing I really like about Agile is that every one involved in it usually has more fun than in a waterfall project. s. Pity the person who only has a hammer in their toolbox. A new car may come out of the manufacturing plant every few minutes, but that does not mean it takes a few minutes to make a new car. If he uncovers something unexpected (a wiring in the wall that nobody knew existed). Wrote a short blog post explaining the background for the lazy developers hate agile and scrum video. It is the same with SCRUM based development. and so the South Beach Diet was born and quickly became a hit in the USA. That is certainly a long way from how most consulting shops staff projects. My preference is to co-locate the individuals on a team, but I suspect (never tried it) that a SCRUM of SCRUMS where each team was located around the world could be fairly effective. Looking at Architectural Significance, Complexity and stability (in terms of how likely the requirement will change). Anyway, I agree that Agile methodologies and global resourcing is a difficult scenario but believe it is still possible and worth it. Again, this phase re-introduces some more of the prohibited foods, although they must be eaten in moderation. But the overarching principle has always been waterfall for me.

I loved the way you talked about building houses the waterfall way, but those are just houses not mega structures that have lot many stake holders involved. Something we have heard very little about is the benefit of delivering the very most value in the very shortest time. These are carbs found in foods such as whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. But for a product company, I think this is a lot easier to pull off. Agatston realised they also began to lose weight. We made it work by having a team focused on one product and simultaneously delivering to multiple projects. It also allows a higher carbohydrate intake, although this is still much lower than most people are used to. Likewise, it does not condone the consumption of all fats like the Atkins Diet, but recommends unsaturated fats that can actually be good for us. If the client and developers trust that neither is trying to exploit the other, Agile can be an ideal solution, as it in turn will ensure that neither side is hard done by. I can keep on adding points here that will say, that no choice of development methodology gives highest competence advantage to the customer, but one which has low cost of embracing change and that I mean is one which is AGILE. There was a contract change control mechanism in place to handle the inevitable mistakes in the original specification. -ing you. However, whilst his patients were on this diet, Dr. Waterfall is not such a terrible thing to do, as its opponents make it to be. Large SAP implementations would also require a lot of coordination to get right but could be done. You said about customers not investing in resources to give feedback and get closely involved in IT business solutions development very close to starting of projects, I understand, are customers who do not invest in becoming agile and thus do not qualify to be engaged in such development cycles. Hence, kudos to you for being brave to go up against this new way of thinking. our old friend, the carb. It does take a lot of mentorship when working in teams, plus plenty of convincing of the business but it does work. Most software is built by first putting a framework in place, and then building on top of it. Thanks for taking time to bring your point of view to this topic. This was the big Chrysler project that was the poster child for XP (Extreme programming). What does work well for me is a hybrid approach. I would want a guy who works on a renovation project in my house to give me an estimate. If an enterprise is agile, I would say, if the board passes a resolution, the change can be quick, robust and low on cost. I think it is a high risk for me to trust that every one in the team will perform to the same high standards. However, I always felt that the 4 RUP phases. Then having the foundation, you can start to divvy up the more complex and critical pieces and even use a SCRUM approach if you like (since this can be carved up regionally if you like). The way you have described how RUP helps with prototyping is something I often do in the gigs I manage. Of course, there will always be less than honest people out there, but this does not detract from the basic value of Agile methodologies. Unfortunately overlaying an agile methodology on a company or project structure not designed for it is a recipe for problems. With a traditional waterfall approach this was just impossible. More often, business users have to do project work on the side. The third and final phase of the diet, according to Agatston, is not the phase of a diet but a new way of life which should last forever. In my view, SCRUM is most effective as a management approach when the team is building something creative where very complex human thought processes are needed and should have the minimum constraints to get the best result. The first phase is a very strict period and lasts for the initial two weeks of the diet. It is the rough equivalent of putting a good foundation for your house. However, it only worked because we had a traditional project management approach used in way that incorporated the SCRUM deliveries. So if the enterprise has high stake in the solution development, it will keep giving feedback for the solution, so as to get the highest competence advantage when deploying the solution. An analyst worked with the customer to prepare a fixed statement of work, which we then committed to deliver. It was not a team of all-stars, though we always had at least one. Weight loss during this second phase normally drops to 1-2 pounds per week and should fall steadily as long as the diet is adhered to. And it is a big exaggeration to say the team does a very long design up front, and that user gets to see things only at the end. The reality is that you need to pick a topic, component, center of excellence or something similar for a co-located team to focus on to be really effective. The second phase of the diet is a little more lenient and dieters are able to re-introduce some of the prohibited foods from phase one. Apply them when applicable and when you can fulfill all the key components from the methodology. As to the point made on lack of coordination between people resources, stars etc. Just because Agile possibly has the issues I called out above, it should not be inferred that Agile should not be used. It is seldom possible to get teams from Japan, India, Germany and US to be on a conference call. As you rightly said, getting customers and developers spun up on RUP needs a bit of extra effort, and that is not always possible in projects that have tight schedule. Of course, IBM is trying to sell their new Rational Suite products for managing non-co-located agile teams. Despite all these points above, I am not an extremist when I think of methodologies. Instead, the product manager assumed the role of being the customer voice. We would perform the same high level estimate for the new item that we did for every item in the backlog. It was fun to read through the thoughts that you have put on this blog. The best use of a project methodology is to apply it when applicable. I was doing so trying to understand the emotions that led to so many analogies used in this post. Rating the South Beach Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages (c) The Right Chef - Immuno Laboratories. That must be one of the reasons it did not work for me. If we had already built the feature that was now subject to change and nothing could be swapped out, it was clear to us how the schedule would be impacted. The concept is front and center in SCRUM and it is the number one principal in lean management. We worked on a fixed price, fixed delivery basis with our customers (for the product track, our product manager was the customer). I personally feel (and I think I mentioned it in a comment above to Matt) that RUP has a definite waterfall flavor in terms of having 4 distinct phases. That is part of the organizational setup that must be done for SCRUM in my view. were handled in a more directed fashion. Once the hype died down a little, we mostly figured out what is possible with SOA and what is not. If you are starting from nothing, or starting from something built using traditional methods, there will be some lead time necessary to start delivering value after each sprint. Waterfall can also have users involved more frequently. A melting pot for Enterprise Software, Analytics, Food, Sports, Politics and everything else that interests me. Not every one can go away with minimal instructions and come back with the right solution, and right questions to ask for next day. Building a car and building a software solution have similarities in design. Arthur Agatston, and it was originally designed to help his patients with heart and cardiovascular problems. The only person that would normally leave home base was an analyst who played a product owner role. And fun for the development team, while important in a project, is not the sole reason why some one pays for a solution. The point of Agile is that the client does not end up with a product completely inadequate to their needs, and the developer does not have to rush to complete a project which turns out to take longer than expected. Most projects do not have dedicated business users. It can be argued that Agile needs less programmers, and hence you can keep just the super stars and let go of every one else. Our project manager would help the customer to prepare various stages of interface testing to coincide with our sprint output. Prototypes are typically done which are also usually developed by your most senior developers. During this second phase, weight loss slows down and the phase lasts until the dieter has reached goal weight. Early this month we started the fourth agile SAP project. I just started blogging on SCN this last week. I have not seen any numbers on differences in velocity (my guess is fasted for the co-located teams). As a result, when we used a traditional approach, there were always delays, blame, etc. e. is a failure in choice of selection of collaboration tools and not the strategy employed to develop solution. The diet also encourages the consumption of unsaturated fats. Too many under-estimate and neglections are trying to find excuse under the umbrella of agile methodology. Do try it out, and your whole perspective will change. So, at the start, I can (and am required) provide an estimate for the deck, can provide the customer any changed in the cost based on iterative feedback and he knows during the entire project if any requested changes will impact the cost and schedule. Thanks for adding such a detailed and well thought out reply. In terms of resources, the RUP way is to have more focus on design up front than on development. This argument works only if the scope is small.

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